It has been my experience (and is my belief) that a properly sized (maximum gap tween hook point-n-shank) (?combined w/a minimum size?), single, barbless hook on an artificial lure will cause the least amount of "hooking mortality". It appears that the article in CWU's post tends to support my belief. I was wrong once so I suppose it could happen again...
Anyway, does anyone know of any studies done on hooking mortality from circle hooks? It is my understanding that because of their design they tend to lodge in the fishes mouth in areas least likely to be fatal. Anyone ever use circle hooks for Salmon, Trout or Steelhead?

Quick Q fer minibear: How does anyone become good at anything (driftfishing fer steelhead, fer instance) w/out first being a novice?

"Man can learn a lot from fishing. When the fish are biting, no problem in the world is big enough to bne remembered. " -- Oa Battista

VERY Homesick in San Diego