Here's my mistress... The Salmonator

She's a wee bit over 16' powered by a 50 Merc
which trolls down perfectly. On a flat day, she'll do 37-38 mph without skipping a beat. A little bumpy in the chop, but who cares when the fishing is good or the weather is nice?

Two Scotty electrics DRs, Scotty Black Box, VHF, H'bird Fish Finder (ok laugh- I like the tri-beam), GPS (hand held), live well used as fish (or crab) box.

I can fly fish from the bow... I have even had wake boarders in tow

She'll launch anywhere!

Plenty of fish blood stains too...

Homesick now...

"If you are not scratchin bottom, you ain't fishing deep enough!" -DR

Puget Sound Anglers, Gig Harbor Chapter