I hope that no good...levis jean cutoff wearing, beer stained, toothless, long haired, eagle claw casting, treble hook tangling, buzz bomb casting, nacho eating, buck tooth yokel gets what he deserves!!!!

I swear, salmon fishing around here has turned into a cluster f***, idiot parade. Maybe its something to do with eastcoasters coming over/californian bass masters or what but it seems every year there is more and more or what i mentioned in paragraph 1.

I cant wait till it rains!!!!!!!!!
sorry for the rant, its been a long week...snaggers evil evil shoot
"I have a fair idea of what to expect from the river, and usually, because I fish it that way, the river gives me approximately what I expect of it. But sooner or later something always comes up to change the set of my ways..."
- Roderick Haig-Brown