Originally posted by micropterus101:
I watched the video clip and had to laugh at how terrible it is for non tribal fishermen to snag fish and for some just to take the eggs and leave the carcasses.
I think leaving the carcasses is a good thing. Now I'm not saying that these fish should be snagged, and I'm also not one to support snagging. But thouse carcasses are going to a good cause, kind of. Thouse rotting fish will add nutriens to the water that feed insect larva (nymphs), which inturn feed trout and smolts. Even the flesh feeds the trout and smolts. This is why there are no steelhead in Alaska, I believe. The Rainbow trout in Alaska don't need to go to the ocean to find more food as it comes to them in the form of millions of salmon. Our streams are "starving" of crutial nutrients because there are less salmon returning to our rivers. Also, most hatcheries don't put salmon carcasses back into the river systems so this also creats less nutriens for the trout and smolts. Sometimes when I keep a salmon, I fellet it on site and leave all the scraps in the river, giving the hungrey stream it nutrients. The Native Americans did this for thousands of years too, although not for the same reasons. Also I've heard of some places in Alaska and Canada that all the anglers on a river will leave the scraps in the river after filleting the fish. Just my $.02.

This probably should have been done under another thread but I did it here.
They say that the man that gets a Ph.D. is the smart one. But I think that the man that learns how to get paid to fish is the smarter one.