Aunty M, we are saying the same thing, just in different ways.The only real question that i have asked since my first post is, Why are we treated differently . If creating a moratorium is good for the resource, make it a moratorium for ALL user groups. I just keep saying it without running anyone's ideas down, just continue to state mine.
B run quote"why should i let a fish go only to have it caught in a net" was meant to do only one thing. Create a dialog as to why user groups after the same resource are treated differently?I do get it, thats why I am asking the question! Not to reinstate my right to take said fish, but to question why others are allowed to take those same fish?
The only thing "tough" is trying to get everyone to move on to "why are two groups being treated differently"
Usually i do not get involved in discussions here because of just the things that i have been dealing with here/now.Because rather than truely diciphering what the poster truely means, some people are quick to put them down. I will not use these board as a means to put others down with personal dirogatory remarks, thus creating a miasmic environment that perpetuates the very thing that you accuse me of.But I am sure That has been hashed out before!
NRA Life member

The idea of a middle class life is slowly drifting away as each and every day we realize that our nation is becoming more of a corporatacracy.

I think name-calling is the right way to handle this one/Dan S

We're here from the WDFW and we're here to help--Uhh Ohh!