
No. Absolutely, I don't believe the ends justify the means. I don't agree with the means a lot of people use to make money, but if it's legal there's not much I can do about it except not buy the product. I don't like the way Enron made money, or several other major Republican contributors, for example.

I have no idea whether Moore is a dirtbag or not. I don't have enough information to inform that opinion. And the information I glean from this forum doesn't meet the threshold test for reliability.

It appears Moore thinks Bush is the dirtbag, and he'll probably make a lot of money with his editorial film. I have a low opinion of Bush, and I'm not going to make a dime from my opinion.

The only Moore movie I've seen was the Bowling for Columbine on video. That wasn't a documentary, either. It was editorial. But nonetheless, I thought it was interesting, and a couple parts were really entertaining, and then there were the school shootings. He didn't really tie it all together, in my opinion, but he offered food for thought. If that was his intention, he was successful. I'll probably go see this movie, since Bush bashing can be so very entertaining - and I expect to see and hear truths, half-truths, and outright lies.


Salmo g.