"... most of which he nominated himself for and their validity was questioned by his CO--Including one of his non-combat related boo-boos that required some Bactine spray and a band aid-He asked for and received the Purple Heart. In the olden days when I got a boo-boo my Mom would spray Bactine on and put a band aid on it and then just 'kiss it and make it better."

Sorry, chicken-hawk, but it don't work that-a-way. You can't nominate yourself for a medal, and you cannot receive the Purple Heart for a noncombat related injury. Not only that, but his CO is the approving authority, so unless the CO is questioning his own judgement...

I'm sure McCain and Dole will appreciate your comparison of a combat related injury to that of a "boo-boo."

The administration has announced that it will be calling up members of the Individual Ready Reserve (IRR) to report back to active duty. Those are retirees and people that have ETS'd. They're calling mostly engineers and intelligence people (Caveman?). 5,600 next month and more to follow. It's just like a backdoor draft keeping all those privileged safe - not to mention those that find it easier to sit behind a monitor playing cheerleader because they don't have the intestinal fortitude to strap on a pair of boots.

If Bush is a true believer in fulfililng one's duty to America and is truly sincere in his fight against terrorism, why isn't he more ardently persuading his own daughters to join the military now that they're done with college?
Tent makers for Christie, 2016.