You’re too funny as you undermine your own credibility, should anyone here think you have some. You haven’t seen Farenheit 9/11, but you criticized it on 6/22, prior to its release saying, “If lies and mistated facts can be considered good,” based on what you think and what others speculate, rather than on what you know. Then you posted later that day, “Those unwilling to do the work to reasearch the facts or devlop an informed opinion will love it much like they did Bowling . Moores dilevery is engaging and his storytelling ability is there. Do a little work to peel the layers and you find all the mistakes half truths etc. Most Americans are too lazy and it easy to accept it as fact or out right deny it has any merit.” It looks to me as though you were almost referring to yourself. Go see the movie, and then tell me what you think, instead of what someone else thinks.

I saw the movie last Saturday night. I was impressed. I saw the expected truths and half-truths, but I didn’t detect the outright lies I also expected. It will be interesting to hear what the opposition fact-checkers have to say. Unlike Bowling for Columbine, Moore allegedly put extraordinary effort into checking that this movie is factually correct. That’s not to say he didn’t put any spin on those facts. The film is an incredibly well threaded indictment of President Bush and his family.


Salmo g.