He's gotta have some sort of record to run on, doesn't he? Well, doesn't he?

Yep! A very poor record.

I am getting the strange feeling that Elvis is Bush and Bush is Elvis. Has anyone seen the two of them in the same room together? \:D Both are extreme Chicken Hawks with a big fat capital C and could care less about the troops.
Bush (with Elvis's support)acts as if the millitary is a personal Mafia Hit squad for the ENRON boys.

Elvis is desperate enough to try to justify and prove with facts, that soldiers are stupid, inferior as well as uneducated and poor; and are deserving Cannon fodder for a Chicken hawk like yourself to mock.

Elvis The Uppity Unpatriotic Chicken Hawk Superior, reporting for duty sir? Get the vaseline ready, Elvis is going to Iraq or Iraq is coming to Elvis. Hurry Elvis, the world is waiting for this war and your climax.

You were ment for each other. The Iraqi war couldn't exist without you. I just can't see it (the War) continuing without your involvement in a direct and personal way.

Whoever undertakes to set himself up as a judge of
Truth and Knowledge is shipwrecked by the laughter
of the gods.

-- Albert Einstein