Could it be said that people go directly to college because their job prospects are also low? Duh.. People go in form many reasons. I can tell you that in boot when you get to the company where you will do your BIT just about the first question the drill asks is, "why are you here?". I'd say a good 90% say college, how many actaully go ???? I can also tell you that for me I was glad I waited to go to college and that the GI Bill was a great asset. If I would have went right out of HS would have been a waste of time and money. I think that the maturity level and understanding of what you really want to do with your education for those who serve first is better than most going right out of high school. Too many frat boys that needed some good a$$ kickin's and a few little lesson's on respect, that was the free part of their 'higher education'.
This nation will remain the land of the free only so long as it is the home of the brave.
—Elmer Davis