believe in it its out there...

ok here we go this is a true morning i went out to plunk a small river here in grays harbor.. i hiked down the trail to the river where i put my bucket down and started to rig was still dark enough to only see a few yards.. since somebody tore the shack we had down we used a small tree as shelter we rigged up a tarp system and sat under it..since this was kinda out in know wheres ville i packed a Ruger 10/22 with me.. i had just finnished rigging up i grabbed my pole holder and rod with the net and i went to the rivers edge and put the net down and burried the pole holder in the this time it was light enough to see everything except behind the tree it was still dark up underneath i was getting ready to cast my first bait of eggs in i heard a noise behind the tree as i realed around to see what it was i droped my rod and whipped the rifle around to see something moveing behind the tree.. at first i was thinking a deer or cyote but the limbs were moving way to high up for this so i moved to my right and i saw something standing big move away from the trees and into the thick brush and trees.. when i seen this i jumped over the edge of the bank and was ready to shoot, man i have never been so scared in my life.. i was lucky that i didnt land in the water cause the river was high and dirty..i sat there till it was very light out and i could see everything i walked back up to the tree and looked around couldnt tell what it was i the day wore on i manadge to walk back into the brush and other trees where i saw a limb on an alder tree that was broken high enough up that i would have had to get a good jump up to touch it..things didnt feel right the whole day i had the feeling something or somebody was this day i still say it was BIGFOOT..
Where Destroying Fishing in Washington..

mainly region 6