Buy one.... or if you did, whould you do it again?

I've had my CR 290F for 2 seasons now its a great rod & hella stout, sure it will outlast all my old style IMX's & most of my lami CP's.

I'm pretty tough on my gear when I'm fishing, they tend to get tossed around in the boat when the action is fast, I'm not much of a high sticker but I whould fearlessly put more of a arc in this Sage than any of my other rods. I really don't think I could bust it on a fish.

On the other hand to me, when fishing my IMX 1025c then switching right off to the 290 it feels Sage sacrificed a bit of sensitivity for durability.

But to me, if not overdone thats not a bad thing......

Your thoughts??

Apocalypse Steelheader.
Chucking gear as the end draws near.