I went into this Sage thing thinking I'd get a blank (the 390) have a guy whip one up for me & away I'd go happy as a clam.

Had the blank shipped to Ted's, contacted a rod builder & went to pick it up. Oh NO!! There was the Sage factory rods all lined up, while the guy went back to grab my Sage blank you know what.......

I went & picked-up a finished 390, well I didn't like it at all, it was to much stick. Picked-up that sexy little 290 and got to thinking.....

Blank.............. $240
Trick Guides......$70
Reel seat..........??
Have it wrapped..??

All of a sudden that crazy high price tag starting looking OK to me. Once you factor in that slick hard Sage rod tube & sock and the lifetime no questions asked return, it was really looking good!!

Before this gomer could say shazzam!! my visa card was out & I was out the door.


Apocalypse Steelheader.
Chucking gear as the end draws near.