Originally Posted By: Snake Pliskin

A couple of things.........

#1: I doubt the guy drunk going the wrong way on Hwy 18 at 4:40 am just had a glass of wine.

Ranger3C275's response - I was being sarcastic with the glass of wine comment.

#2: Even with checkpoints, not all drunk drivers are going to be caught.........there's not enough cops and too many roads. So, unfortunately, there will still be drunk driving deaths. I would prefer my tax dollars funding police so they can arrest drug dealers and tweakers. Not to mention making our streets safe for our children from molesters, make our parks safe from rapists and muggers, and maybe occasionally they can drive by a boat launch and set up a sting for thieves.

Ranger3C275's response - True, not all will be caught.... but one may be. Be realistic. True, drug dealers, tweakers, rapist, molesters and muggers are problems, but so are DUI drivers.

#3: My comment about the ripple effect was an economic one. But that will even be biased if this goes into effect. Do you think there will be a check point on every road leading from Quest Field after a Seahwawk game? No, while the number of arrests would be staggering(no pun intended), it won't happen because Seattle/Washington State likes the revenue from selling alcohol at sporting events. Even Crissy's checkpoints won't mess that up. No, the checkpoints will get the guy and his wife who shared a bottle of wine over dinner at an Italian restaurant.

Ranger3C275's response - What you are not getting is that there is no difference between the Seahawk game DUI driver and the man out to dinner with his wife DUI driver. They are the same!!!!!! You can't make one look better by putting a food spin on it.

As Aunty said, why inconvenience me and take away my Constitutional rights? Or as Stam said, where does it end? Checkpoints for everything? For eating a Big Mac while driving? For not having both hands on the wheel? I'm already forced to wear a seat belt (I would anyway), but dang it, it's my life, my choice. We are getting closer to being a police state all the time.

Ranger3C275's response - Buddy, I agree with you about the seat belt. It is your life and if you don't want to save it, that's completely up to you. The DUI driver on the other hand takes that choice out of your hands. They put you, me and anyone else around them in their path in great danger.

You want to really make a difference. Hold these people accountable for their actions. There should not be a DUI driver with 4 or 5 DUI's, although I know there are. Our judges and prosecutors are allowing these people to plea to lesser crimes. It's crazy! We as voters allow these judges to sit in office. I know for a fact that the King County prosecutors office allows people to take a plea of "Attempted Violation of the Uniformed Controlled Substance Act" when the person is caught red handed with the dope. It's crazy! What the hell is an Attempted VUCSA?
