Mf, I think you may have been watching a different interview than the rest of the world...

Read the news...she's been described as "defensive", "not confident", "bumbling", "unresponsive", and "contradictory"...and that barely scratches the surface.

I think that Biden is just biding his the VP debate I think he'll come out swinging and point out how she has flip-flopped on virtually everything that she is now supporting, along with McSame, and that her lack of understanding of some very fundamental tenets of foreign policy and economics will really shine when she doesn't have talking points written out for her by the Bush team to read off of a teleprompter...last night she showed that she has yet another thing in common with Bush...that she can read a teleprompter fine, but can't put together a common sense sentence when forced to do it off the top of her head...she's gonna get demolished.

Fish on...


Team Flying Super Ditch Pickle