Originally Posted By: Sol
It boils down to an individual's definition of Trophy. To me, any trophy is something hard-earned after years of diligence in pursuit and schooling ones self. These rich arrogant mutherphuckers that likely reak of 50-year old scotch and Cuban cigars that short circut that definition by cutting to the front of the line with their check book and a squad of executioners have lost sight of that. Much like an NFL coach going to the shop where the Heisman Trophy is made and buying it right off the self, where is the sense of accomplishment and pride in doing that?

You can defend these guys if you like, but the Governor's Tag senario is a wide sidestep around sportsmanship to say the least, as are the specifics related to the killing of a large number of animals in the record books.

This hunt was probably the exception to the rule, but they hunted this bull 26 days. The GOV tag does provide benefits to all sportsmen in the form of AH&E improvements. Not my choice, but I fail to see a big difference from an ethical stand point in how they did this and 6 of my buddies trying to help a friend fill his sheep tag here in oregon. They chose the mossback route with spotters all over the place to find one particualr ram. The only difference IMHO was money.
Facts don't care about your feelings..