As Marsha pointed out, even though it's the last day of the season on my local streams and I haven't fished in almost a week, I'm at home working instead...some important stuff going on.

Hank, I'm not surprised at the "no revival" part...and I guess I'm not surprised that even though it was never going to happen that all the gun nuts were telling us all along that it was...and like I said, if I had the scratch I would have opened a gun shop on Nov. 4th and sold guns that look like UZI's...I'd have made enough money to retire by now just selling guns to the fraidy cats out there who think someone's here to take their guns every goddamm day.

At least they're a good part of their own little economic stimulus plan...good guns, even if bought out of fear, are expensive!

Fish on...


Team Flying Super Ditch Pickle