Headed out of Everett at 0 darkthirty, decided to give point no point a try for the tide change, no luck. After the tide change I trolled down towards pilot point and around that area, still zip nadda nothing. Finally around 9am decided to give possesion a try for a bit before checking the pots and calling it a day. Trolled the outer bar for awhile, one shaker and was just about to call it a bust opener when off pops the line from the rigger and the line starts to peel off. I thought for sure I had a big hog on the other end, a couple of dives to the bottom, big head shakes, the whole deal! Finally got her to the boat and she turned out to be a very scrappy 12 to 13 pounder. A bonk and bleed, trolled around another 30 minutes and called her quits. Checked my pots on the way in and came up with 5 very nice keepers (I put the pots out yesterday, so they had a pretty long soak). Back to Everett, and then to the house, fish dressed and crab cooked by 1:30, shower and a nice long nap! Sorry, no pics. Left the camera at home, guess that is what happens when you leave the house a 3am.
I will hit it again tommorow, may run down to Edmonds by all you guys if the fog isn't too bad. Look for the "Dawgfish", 17ft Arima.

Edited by baddawg (07/16/09 08:30 PM)
bawddawg, no biscuit!