Ain't it amazin' how the left leaners want guv. in all our lives? The fact is, no one gets turned away for medical care. It's available and free or damn cheap. Oregon has their own medical plan for those less fortunate. A lot of them refuse to pay the $10 bucks a month to get it and would rather go the emergency room route.

A neighbor who had no insurance recently checked himself in to the hospital had his gall bladder removed and left the next day. he paid the bill with his own money. That was his choice. We have insurance that we pay for out of our retirement. My wife had two knee replacements, I had cancer surgery and radiation and we paid less than $1000 co pay.

Medicare does nothing. They rely on and turn the money over to providers to offer you health care under your supplemental insurance. And the providers do a damn good job as far as we are concerned.

Anyone can go online in Oregon, apply for an insurance card, free, and get their meds at the same rate we get them for with paid insurance.

So please tell me why the feds need to inject their faces into our private lives?

I agree that every person should have a living will. Both of my parents had a do not rescucitate provison that was honored in both their cases. But that does not mean the government should dictate the terms. I didn't get my info from Hannity. It came from Daschle who very plainly stated that old people were going to have to accept the fact that end of life care may not be available under the plan.

Daschle says health-care reform “will not be pain free.” Seniors should be more accepting of the conditions that come with age instead of treating them. That means the elderly will bear the brunt.

Thanks Barry and Tom, I'd like to be able to make that decision without your help.

Otherwise I'm retired!