Originally Posted By: Jhook
I agree, so why the backhanded slams on Aunty M?

Because she's a big mouthed knowitall who pitches out insults and names like jellybeans, and then whines like a little girl if she gets some back, denying that it ever happened that way...funny thing is, I think she actually believes it, which makes her a bit deranged.

She not only has similar health coverage to what the public option would be, but she doesn't even have to go to work or pay her own taxes to get it...yet thinks that no one else should have that option.

It's another version of her usual hypocrisy, and it's worth pointing out whenever she interjects her ignorance into yet another thread, turning the thread to crap.

I love women, and I don't care what their political beliefs are...I'd dislike Marsha and her ridiculous prejudices, attitudes, and "centrist" beliefs whether she were a man, a woman, or one of KK's goats...that's just another one of her "victim" cards she likes to play.

Fish on...


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