Wow. I would say there are a plethora of f-ups contained in this story.

First, congratulations to the hunter. The elk for whatever reason were trapped on that point. It does not look like a 'sporting' hunt, but as docspud related other portions of the hunt may have been sporty. To me that is immaterial. There are a lot of folks out there who hunt elk by applying for tags in farm areas, and then going door to door to get permission.

It is essentially a meat hunt, a harvest of organically raised, fat free beef. There is still work required, there is certainly much opportunity for failure, and it beats the sh!t out of buying chemical laden beef at Safeway.

Some of us (most of us) enjoy the hunt for the hunt itself, other folks want to provide good clean food for their family, and most of us are out for both.

The f-ups were made by the authorities. There was probably a crowd watching this debacle from 101 and these Tribal PD jumping out with an assault rifle pointing at the hunters is ludicrous. It almost looks like it was more for show than protection. Could they have taken 10 minutes to call and find out if this hunt was legal? Probably. Could they have approached the hunters like a regular cop approaches someone they are pulling over? Honestly, I probably could have laughed it off, if I was in the field with my buds, but if one of my kids was with me and saw me get laid on the ground, cuffed at gun point, amid a bunch of yelling and carrying on. .. That makes the blood boil. The poor kid will probably start shaking every time he sees a cop car after this. The tribal LE deserves to pay a big settlement for this.

These hunters did the homework and took advantage of a situation. The fact that motorists on 101 got to watch the whole thing to me is great. I hope that the folks who complained enjoyed their cheesburgers when they got to McDonalds in Shelton or PA. I know the argument is that this gives the antis more ammunition to take away hunting, and possibly it will result in the state restricting this particular hunt to the upland side of the highway. But really there is already plenty of ammunition for the antis on Youtube.
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