
With some nine pages of discussion and the link to the WDFW findings what part of this don't you understand?

If the tribal officers received a call (a fact not alleged to have occurred that I have noted) and the location was outside the reservation an appropriate response would have been to call an agency that had jurisdiction in that area (County Sheriff, WSP, WDFW). If it was possible that the hunters were subject to tribal jurisdiction (i.e. tribal members) then the tribal officers could/should have accompanied the officers having jurisdiction.

Speculation is that these guys were driving down the road, saw what was occurring, and jumped right into it with guns drawn. Scary! Really scary!

We will see when all of the investigations are completed but given the WDFW release this isn't looking good for those guys.
Remember to immediately record your catch or you may become the catch!

It's the person who has done nothing who is sure nothing can be done. (Ewing)