Originally Posted By: kevin lund
The time that fall kings spend in any river habitat is minimal. Therefore they are effected less by the river habitat than a steelhead or coho, which may use the river for as much as 18 months.

How many hours, days, months, weeks, years, does a salmonid EGG spend in the ocean???

If the habitat is degraded enough as to where the survivability fails at the egg stage, what does that leave you with?

Doesn't really matter now if you have THE BEST ocean conditions EVER - if all those fish are failing to make new fish because the habitat is messed up, or getting messed up.

Eventually, the habitat loss will catch up to the numbers.

Or, keep the wool over you eyes and enjoy the fish now and in your lifetime, as your kid(s) can kiss them goodbye.

Originally Posted By: willametteriveroutlaw
Its the Ocean *now*, Stupid.

Fixed that statement for you.
Tule King Paker