We knockd 3 bulls down one time, as a group of us walked a small sage ridgeline back to our camp. A coyote was trotting down the oposite ridge, so as one guy shoots the yote, 3 bedded bulls jump in the draw bottom, and make easy pickings as they trot up across from us. Two big 5's, and a NICE 6. Well, we gut them, grab the hearts/livers, and head to camp for the rest of the crew.

Returned a few hours later, only one 5 pt remained, with a note stuck to its antler that said, "Thanks for the elk!!! smile " The guy who shot the 6pt drove around for the next 3 days checking camps, determined to find our elk...to no avail.
[Bleeeeep!], the cup of ignorance in this thread overfloweth . . . Salmo g
Truth be told, I've always been a fan of the Beavs. -Dan S.