BD must have been a cop at some point in his life. Only the buzzcut paramilitary type cop would say "public safety employee." The only time cops do anything safety-oriented is when they're asleep. Most of the time they're just busy shooting unarmed civilians and taking our money, but I digress...

Last time I checked, local cops don't receive drug tests. Federal LE doesn't either. It would be very interesting knowing just about many LE smoke pot. I bet the numbers of guilty officers would be astounding.

I just have a hard time believing why a person whose job was just shipped to China or Mexico needs to be drug tested while he's on unemployment looking for a new job. Sounds pretty brutal to me.

Cost is another problem. No one will pay for this since it costs over $100 just for a UA. On top of that, most guilty people would have pot in their system. No fckin' way anyone deserves to have benefits cut because of pot.