Tax the rich! That'll solve all our woes. thumbs

I've got a better idea. Keep three nuke subs roaming the globe and make public statements that any country that phucks with us will be immediately turned to glass. Keep a 100,000 man standing army in case the Canadians decide they feel like inhabiting a warmer climate. Then give the big middle finger to the military industrial complex that spends more tax dollars than the GDP of some European nations. Gas prices will drop $2.00 overnight since the world's largest user group will no longer be using it. Eliminate all that and we should be able to cut taxes to roughly half of what we pay now.

Even with that gov't "revenue" reduction we'll still have plenty of money to turn our country into the "free-handout", do nothing, rotten cess pool, everybody is equal, socialist utopia so many of you hope for.

Sound good?
On a long enough timeline the survival rate for everyone drops to zero.