What is laughable:

1. Willard is going to repeal it on his first day in office. Anyone really believe that is going to happen? The law has too many provisions that are popular - good luck on that one Willard. Also consider that Willard is going to dramatically raise defense spending, while cutting the deficet and lowing taxes. Maybe he is a fcking magician.

2. Businesses are not going to hire. Come on, private employment has been on the decline since the Dot. Com bust. Businesses hire when there is demand. Part time jobs to avoid paying benefits has been going on long before this health care plan was concieved.

3. Jobs are going to be shipped over seas. Really, how long has that been going on? Long before this health care plan was conceived. That particular piece of sky fell a long time ago.

What isn't laughable:

1. That the greatest nation in the world can't develop a plan that ensures all of it's citizens have access to health care; that it doesn't see it as a moral imperative, but rather a partisan political issue.
"90% of Life is just showing up and doing the work". Tred Barta Sr.