The mythical "Job Creators" that need less regulations and more tax breaks don't create any jobs...demand for their products by people who have money to buy their products creates jobs...and it's always been that way, and it's the only way it's ever worked, in spite of what big corporations, their paid for hacks in Congress, their talking head tools on FauxNews, and their sycophants here and elsewhere will tell you.

Job creators...what a joke.

Then when they milk the populace and put more of our public money into their private pockets, and there's even less demand for their products, they will yell and scream for more tax they can "create" mythical jobs...again.

As usual, not surprised that the politicians they own continue to spread this lie, and not surprised that their very own "news" station spreads it even farther...the surprising part is the millions of Americans who believe the lie and go out of their way to defend it.

Fish on...


Team Flying Super Ditch Pickle