Originally Posted By: stlhead
Was he supposed to respond to the theory that these mass shooters have all been somehow programmed?

Its all conjecture with no penalty for any suggestion. You and the zinger pilots wont even offer anything. Nothing, nota, zip, zilch. Just try to shoot down J7 and ignore the whole thing. Your bullying has most likely prevented someone from offering a great solution or definition of the problem.

I did sit down and watch the PBS special this weekend called "After Newtown". I think you can stream it. It was pretty well done form both sides with a little of the usual anti-gun bias youd' expect from PBS but not bad. There is a part where they talk to brain scientists who have studied the brains of the shooters and others like them. They talk about a part of the brain called the Amygdyla (sp?). Responsible for adjusting your emotions and cooling you down when your heated up. They say that the folks that do theses shootings have defective amygdylas. Dosent seem too far fetched that somebody(ies) can identify and take advantage of this. A good number of the shooters were well known to have mental problems.
For some of us, a bad day of fishing is a bad day at work.

j7 2012