Do you know who I am, Iron?! I'm sure you'd recognize me if you fish the Lyre or Elwah a little bit... Anyway, I've encountered indians in just about every form you possibly could fishing mainly the Elwah.. I've over the years become "friends" with most of them, and for the most part, just stay out of their way... Many of them, due to the small amount of respect, will not only leave me alone, but guys fishing near me... When I get down to the river, and there is one down there, half the time, before I even have a chance to say hi or whatever, they are giving me a small wave or a nod as they see me coming! As well as small talk and conversation once I am fishing! Sometimes turning the other cheek can make a big difference... So can outfishing them once in a while =) Nets can be a hard thing on the runs, but I don't have enough fingers to count how many times I have landed more fish than a net right above or below me. Next time just try turning the other cheek, and when you see them coming, or an indian coming, just stop what you are doing, meet them halfway and just start talking in a friendly way.. Say hi.. It just might make the difference...

Just some advice from an 18 year old that has been fishing it for 12 years =)

Boston bob(fishing buddy) "That's why they call a fishing and not catching "