
I have been around long enough to see the devastation in our fine state of the fisheries (I am 33). You cannot blame this on any single factor it is a group effort.Look at the funding and hatchery plants from 10 years ago. Let's face it, if I were to offer you $1m tomorrow for doing nothing would you take it? Of course you would..Don't blame somebody for taking what is given to them. get off your but and fight to make the change if you think it is wrong.
It seems to me the thing you were after here was a little respect... remember you have to have self respect and show this to others before you can be respected by others.
One final note.. I have two small children ages 4yrs and 3 months and if either of them at age 15 act and react the way you have here, I will be ashamed and will have failed at my job as a father.