Originally Posted By: FleaFlickr02
Oops. I stand corrected on who appoints the commissioners; I was mistaking confirmation for appointment. Either way, the point was, appointed officials are always beholden to their appointers, who are beholden in turn to their campaign contributors. That's how questionable legislation and administration happen.

In the world of politics your perspective (as cynical as it is) is probably pretty close to reality. That said, having attended a number of Commission hearings over the past few years I don't perceive the Commissioners (generally) as pushing personal agendas (Jennings was an exception but he is deservedly well out of it now). Do I agree with all of their decisons? No. Do I think they occasionally respond disproportionately to the minority squeaky wheel and/or staff who may have personal agendas? Yes.

But I also believe that the majority of the Commissioners are in it for altruistic reasons and not personal gain.

Now, back to the original issue. What we do not know is what Director Anderson may have been discussing on this issue with the Commission over time leading up to the WFC lawsuit and settlement. That is, what did they know and when did they know it? I would like to believe that Anderson has kept them informed and had their concurrence even though I may disagree with the settlement. But if he dropped this on them at the last minute forcing them into reluctant concurrence it may not bode well during his next performance review.....we shall see.
Remember to immediately record your catch or you may become the catch!

It's the person who has done nothing who is sure nothing can be done. (Ewing)