Yes, Suquamish claimed it would interfere with their ability to exercise their Treaty rights. Then they demanded cash up front for future damages and mucho haggling over the locations and extent of mitigation. My understanding is that WDFW resisted the money demand and has bent over backwards to accommodate the mitigation (more within the Suquamish U&A and simply more of it when just removal of the old dock and pilings should have been adequate). Oh, and special use of the site off hours for their fishermen to include parking. That may become another issue of contention not only with recreational users but also the County based upon the public hearings and possible constraints in the County's permit to WDFW. NOAA has given its "no harm" blessing to the Corps which is holding the permit in abeyance pending resolution of issues between WDFW and the Tribe(s); afraid to give the go-ahead with in the face of an unsupported assertion by the Tribe(s).

Oh, did I mention that "we" have over a Million of RCO money tied up in acquisition and design costs? For a walking and kayak park.....
Remember to immediately record your catch or you may become the catch!

It's the person who has done nothing who is sure nothing can be done. (Ewing)