Originally Posted By: Jerry Garcia
If the mucks said "no" why wouldnt the state then also say "no" and not agree to their terms. Both user groups need permits to operate, and if the argument is over conservation then NO ONE fishes. Force a stalemate, no permits should be issued until terms are met for BOTH groups....

I believe that in the long run this would have been the best decision.

I agree 100% with this.

Recreational impacts on Lake Washington Chinook go down, tribal impacts on Lake Washington Chinook go up, overall impacts on Lake Washington Chinook go up...and this is done as a "conservation measure"?

Doesn't even pass the "do I look fuckin stupid to you?" test.

And...it's not like anyone at WDFW or at the Muckleshoot Tribe is wrong, or can't do basic math...they are lying.

No, I won't qualify it...they can do basic math as well as anyone else, and their math shows the same thing that mine does.

They are straightfaced lying to you.

WDFW, the F&W Commission, Phil Anderson, and the new Director Unsworth should all be ashamed.

The problem is that recreational anglers will just take it in the ass and go out and fish for their "opportunity", which is now less than half the opportunity crammed into half the space.

Enjoy your five day summer Chinook season this year, suckers.

Fish on...


Team Flying Super Ditch Pickle