Steelyhorn: I appreciate your answer, and owe you one back. Yes, I did vote for Clinton - twice - and I'll be glad to give you my thoughts on his "draft dodging."
Y'see, I went to Vietnam, as part of my 23 year military career (and came home to a very unwelcome U.S.). Some of my friends protested that so-called war, and after being over there, I had great admiration for them. If you went to "Nam," you should know what a farce it was, being more over U.S. oil interests than democracy. Then, our government wouldn't even let us win. I don't know a single VN vet who is proud of his/her part in that Big Mistake (the only "war" this country ever lost!) I could go on and on, but you get my drift.
Bottom line: I have more respect for VN protestors than rich dudes like Dan Quayle and G.W. who dodged by getting into the Guard through "special channels."
Tight lines.