Wit45cal, Wow this is heavy thought provoking stuff! Back in 1968 I don't think to many young kids like my self actually knew that Canada had a Liberal Socialist government to run to. Some did though know that the other side of the border was safe from being sent to Viet Nam and that was the reason to go.
As to why not go there after I returned, thats an amazing question to ask somebody who paid with blood sweat and tears the price of his DISTINCT FREEDOM. I didn't have to go, as a matter of fact during the last 30 plus years one thought has always helped me through the rough spots in my personal role as an activist in differing agendas. When faced with an unpopular outcome or a hostile group I always think in regard to the negative outcome or response so what are they going to do send me to Nam. The whole idea being that regardless what is done from now on nothing can be done to me that is more horriffic than that which was done to me and many like myself by the powers that be. So mate dont get to lofty with your Philosophy eloquent as it is it just don't quite ring true.