This thread does a great job of illustrating the conundrum that faces sport anglers who want to make a difference. If you propose an organized effort to increase public awareness of a controversial issue, for every person willing to support your cause, you'll get 10 reasons why nobody should bother. It's as if the only thing individuals can agree upon is that the situation sucks, and we aren't willing to get behind change if it isn't the change WE want most immediately.

If you take your issue up with a well-established recreational interest group, they won't speak up loudly, because they can't afford the political backlash that comes from taking a controversial stand. Pretty frustrating and discouraging deal.

Maybe all we need is an example of how a person can have a different opinion about something but still be able to support another person's efforts toward positive change. How's this:

Bay Wolf: Although I believe marine, mixed stock fisheries and habitat issues are the greater impediments to salmon conservation and recovery when compared to tribal gillnetting, I also believe that the Tribes transitioning to more selective gear in their terminal fisheries could make a meaningful difference, so I support your efforts.