These dudes are all your typical "government tyranny" and "personal responsibility" folks...

1. On various forms of welfare sucking from the Gubmint teat
2. Everything wrong in their life is someone else's fault
3. That "someone else" is a different color than white
4. Aliens/jews/muslims/robots control the Gubmint
5. Everyone supports them
6. They are there for "All moral Americans", as described this morning by the Final Fruitcake as anyone who is a white Christian fundamentalist of some sort, and not anything else
7. They are total cowards
8. They can't read, write, or understand writings beyond a rudimentiary and elementary level
9. The rest are the "sheeple"...those silly people who get educations, jobs, and actually pay their taxes to support their YeeHawdish clownshows
10. They believe in Gnomes, Bigfoots, Chemtrails, and the New World Order

Only in America can fruitcakes who hate the government so much be so utterly dependent on it for all they have...they would starve out and die in three weeks without it.

Fish on...


Team Flying Super Ditch Pickle