Originally Posted By: Carcassman
Folks seem to confuse what an agency does (NOAA/WDFW) with what the technical staff believes should be done.

Anybody who thinks natural resources are managed by the Best Available Science (whatever the **ck that is) are close to clueless. Decisions are made based on politics, law, treaties, inertia, whoever makes the biggest campaign contributions, and so on. Science is trotted out when it serves the purpose of leadershit.

For example, there are lots of bios in WDFW who believe that the current level of wild fish escapement is criminally small. And they tell this to their boss. But, policy prevails.

I know of many in WDFW who put careers on the line in defense of the resources/ecosystem, many who did lots of stuff on their own time and dime (professional publication, attend and present at professional meetings) and so on.

Society has to want to make the necessary changes but berating the staff for decisions made way above their pay grade doesn't help.


I should have locked the thread after carcassman's reply. No truer words have since been spoken (until now) in this thread.
Tule King Paker