Originally Posted By: Salmo g.
[Bleeeeep!], the cup of ignorance in this thread overfloweth . . .

Rich, your posts read like they were written by someone dumber than a box of rocks. WDFW manages salmon the way they do because that is the law, as in WACs, from the state legislature. You want salmon managed differently, then you need to change the laws governing the managing of salmon. Further, the abundance of salmon is less the product of state management and more the result of habitat conditions, habitat that WDFW has very, very little authority to regulate. If you were half as sharp as you think you are, you'd already know this stuff.

Evo, thanks for being your usual sh!t fer brains self. FYI (better write this down for future reference) steelhead are rainbow trout, rainbow trout that migrate to and from salt water. They are one and the same species. There, remember that. Skamania is one stock of steelhead, a hatchery stock originally derived of Washougal and Wind River summer steelhead. Skamania is one of several steelhead stocks that have been transplanted to the Great Lakes. Others include Chambers Creek and Alsea winter runs. There may have been stocks from California transplanted there, too, but I haven't verified that. Because steelhead stocks have been planted in the GL they call the fish steelhead, but since the GL are freshwater and not saltwater, they would technically be adfluvial (lake run) rainbow trout, but nobody calls them that because, well, the eggs for the transplant came from actual steelhead.

What is it they say, better to remain silent and thought ignorant instead of speaking up and proving ignorance beyond any doubt.

New sig line. Thanks Salmo
[Bleeeeep!], the cup of ignorance in this thread overfloweth . . . Salmo g
Truth be told, I've always been a fan of the Beavs. -Dan S.