Nobody was dumber than Bush. He and his vice president Satan along with Rumsdick screwed up what they didn't sh!t on. WDFWX1=0 you are showing your total lack of information and intelligence. Tell everyone just what Obama did or didn't do to make you say something as stupid as, "Obama doesn't even make a good mascot for America." You're like the knuckleheads on the Republican side that kept saying for 8 years that the American people want this or they want that, yet they voted him in twice! Overwhelmingly the second time. The problem with people like you and few other uninformed people here, you have obviously not done any homework.

Remember he was voted into office based on a platform of health care and getting out of two wars among other things. The economy has rebounded beyond expectations, the automobile manufactures have rebounded, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac have rebounded. The Republicans fought him on bailing those businesses out. The unemployment rate is at historic lows. Interest rates are at historic lows. So tell me, what is it that would make you hate him so much?

Is it that rumors abounded about how how he was going to take our guns away? That never was his intention and if you do your homework you will see that he has said he embraces the second amendment he simply doesn't want quacks and felons carrying guns. I don't either. Just so you know, I carry everywhere I go and I voted for him.

Maybe you dislike him for trying to make peace in the world. Can you imagine...trying to make peace? What an asshole he is for that. Or maybe it's because there were absolutely no scams, scandals or anything else like in previous administrations. Or maybe it's because he's black...........