1980 Pontiac Sunbird.
1979 Mustang, with a 2.8 liter V6, no less.
1984 Toyota SR5 PU
1989 Ford Ranger. Great truck.
1993 Ford Explorer. Great rig.
2002 Ford F150. Great truck, and I'm still driving it.

My daily drivers have all been $3,000 or less, Volvo 850, Honda Civic, Honda Accord coupe, and Honda Accord. Usually get 3 years out of them, sell them for half of what I got them for, and move on.

1976 Yamaha XS400
1980 Yamaha 650 SECA. Great shaft drive bike.
1984 Yamaha QT50 Yamahopper. Still have it, and I use it as a turn-around when needed.

"Give me the anger, fish! Give me the anger!"

They call me POODLE SMOLT!

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