Originally Posted By: Hankster
Originally Posted By: Illahee

So the term Billary was used during Bills administration, so your saying that was a term to describe Hillary?

Not once while he was prezzy did I ever hear Bill referred to as Billary. I heard Slick Willie, Billy Jeff, f'n liar and a few more, but never Billary.

That sleazy slimy corrupt lying POS c.unt is Billary. Not Bill.

Got it, special needs kid?

So you never listened to Rush Limpdick?
That's where I heard it first in the early 90's.
He frequently referred to the President and First Lady as Billary and Hillary.
I think that was his feeble attempt at saying Hillary was calling the shots.
But I understand that being a Republican and having a short memory is a good thing.
Who wants to remember the worst President in modern times?
Starting unfunded wars by lying to the American people about WMD's.
Throwing the country into a deep recession, unemployment off the charts, stocks in the toilet.
Memory loss can be a good thing.