Originally Posted By: Evo
Vision sucks....

As I've said before, it's the wearer of the coats fault, not Visions fault.

Visions coat works as advertised. It's a light fabric, waterproof, inexpensive coast made in bulk over seas that keeps water off of the wearer when warn and used in the appropriate manner.

Yeah, so a few zippers and a couple of sleeves fell off a couple of early production Vision Coats and so they had some delivery issues. Those are all a thing of the past

It's not Visions fault that people wear this coat and choose to either snorkel or swim in the river with it. Anyone that chooses to snorkel or swim in a river is going to get wet on the inside, regardless of the coat they use.

At least this is how I would picture the argument to go......
Tule King Paker