That looked pretty bad, alright.

Frustrated as I am, I feel for the guy. Realistically, the ones sitting on their high perches and slinging the arrows are the ones responsible for the current state of our fisheries, because recent legislative votes indicate that a vast majority of our senators and reps are backing tribal interests that conflict with ours.

The way Unsworth stammered through his spiel made it obvious to me that he didn't believe in the message he was tasked with delivering any more than the committee did. The facts are that, in order to provide us with even the status quo level of opportunity, WDFW is going to need more money, yet in the wake of last year's NOF debacle and the loss of opportunity it left behind, seeking that money through fee increases (the only avenue they really have) is an indefensible position. Due largely to circumstances beyond his control, his head is squarely on the chopping block, and it may be the first head to roll in the (overdue) shakeup coming WDFW's way. (I sincerely hope it's management that gets cut; not the people on the ground doing the best work they can, but I strongly suspect otherwise.)

Budgets must be balanced, so cuts are coming, which can only be bad news for hunters and anglers. The next biennium doesn't hold much promise for anything but more lost opportunity in the sporting community, but at least we won't be asked to pay more to receive our less (this year).

Does anyone see any hope for a positive outcome here? If so, I could use some good news....