Originally Posted By: _WW_
Originally Posted By: eyeFISH

As an advisor, I've yearned to have the serious conservation meetings about habitat and re-assessing e-goals... annual meetings about recovering/sustaining GH salmon that should occur LONG BEFORE the NOF discussions ever get started. Such discussions are SORELY missing... perhaps casually mentioned in passing at best.

Just a crazy idea...but serious.
YOU should start holding these meetings you are talking about. Invite all the players and do it all very publiclyby also inviting newspaper,TV,ETC. When the meeting/s are done, very publicly, get the word out as to who was there, and more importantly, who was not there.

Shine the harsh light of publicity and public criticism on these folks and you'll find it goes a lot further than hoping some of them will do the right thing. You need to publicly shame them into it!

Stick with it. It'll be hard because few will come at first. But when they see their name in the media listed as among those who apparently don't care, they'll start showing up.

If I might address this although it quoted EyeFish's post;

The truth and frustration is the principles involved won't respond, collectively. The institution is so insulated they have no need to worry. Believe me when I say, we have reached out to all the major news agencies. We have for the most part been answered by silence. Off the record we are told that there is:

1. Way to much advertising money from the Tribes to ever consider anything more than a 30 sec. spot about an issue, and it will always be slanted toward all the good work the tribes do.

2. The top executives of the local media agency most assuredly are receiving "privileges" with Tribal influence.

This train wreck appears to be heading full bore to the full collapse of many of our fisheries. Regardless of the finger pointing, it is a collective result of politics and greed. The result will be, once the collapse causes the Feds to finally step in and shut down the harvest, the Tribes and the Cowboys will sue the State for it's failure to properly manage the resources and for loss of income and violation of treaty rights. And who will PAY??? Yup,,,US!
"Forgiveness is between them and God. My job is to arrange the meeting."

1Sgt U.S. Army (Ret)