Pointing the finger isnt gonna help a bit guys, we gotta stop trying to place the blame and put the fish first. What can we do NOW to prevent this closure and implement a permanent C&R reg on all native steelies. We also need to implement a C&R guidline on our fishery such as "No removing the fish from the water...not even for a picture". They close it on us now, will this be permanent or another 1992. Will it be like the hound ban on cougars. Whats next???? We need to call Olympia and have our voices heard!!! "Pish and Blame" doesnt know all the facts, they are not on the river daily like we are, and they have no definative proof on hook mortality rates using C&R techniques. Let your voice be heard on this guys. Could be your fishing rods that are voted on next as in-humane. J---<")(\(\(\)>{
John Koenig
John's Guide Service
"Wounded Warriors In Action" Associate & NW Field Coordinator

"Life is short. Never pass up a hug. Look children in the eye when you talk to them. Bend the rules. Forgive quickly. Kiss slowly. Laugh uncontrollably. And never regret anything that made you smile."