Originally Posted By: Carcassman
For those with long enough memories, WDG was very Regionalized and WDF was very Centralized. Their management styles, results, and even response to constituents was very different. Having been in both, there are advantages and disadvantages.

But, the new guys seem to have strongly adopted Mushroomization. Keep them in the dark and feed them **llsh*t.

Let's be honest. As long as the salmon are managed for the benefit of commercial fisheries (Tribal and non-tribal) the recreational community will be nothing more than pains in the ass. For those of you who are deeply involved in the fisheries, you know that there is an arrogance that permeates not only the administration, but the fish mafia and leadership of the various groups. When (we) gather at these so called public meetings with the WDFW and Commission, it is cosmetic only. They do it so they can say they are "listening to their constituents and that the "public" is involved. It's all [Bleeeeep!]!

The fisheries are run by the Tribes and Commercials. Their demands are satisfied FIRST, and conservation and recreational fishing be damned. WHY? Just ask yourself, which group can bring the most grief to the leadership of WDFW and the Commission?

1. The Tribes
2. Commercials

We see it play out over and over, year after year, yet we keep our head buried in the sand and pretend like we are actually a real part in the process. Ask yourself this: Why are we subsidizing a commercial fishery? Does the state raise deer so they can be commercially harvested? Why has any attempt to make recreational fishing a priority over commercial harvest failed, even though the number of recreational fishermen largely out number commercials?

It's very simple. Our entire fisheries are managed so a select few can make money off the backs of the many, you!