Elijah, I have the wild steelehead numbers for every year up to 2018. You can get all the redd counts and escapement numbers if you know who to contact. I am not talking just about the Nisqually. You can get the numbers for all the rivers and creeks that are managed and counted. Do you need me to tell you who to contact?
I was not able to help this year with the recycling because of prior commitments. You only worked 25% of the days. If you don't like the numbers then try to get the permit changed so that more can be recycled. How many are you proposing should be recycled? Those volunteers (on the Puyallup)supplied their own trucks (and backs) to haul the totes to the upper watershed and had to pitch them, one by one, into the river. Some were very large chinook. Did you consider that there are fish that spawn naturally in the systems that add to the nutrient enhancement? Or fish that die in the stream before they reach the hatchery.
I told you about all the hatcheries that recycle fish and you continue to say very few do it. So yes, you made an inaccurate statement.
I am not offended in the least bit. Why should I be? If you are disgruntled, write to the Commission, Governor, WDFW and attend the meetings and let your dissatisfaction be known. Be sure you are prepared and do your research before you do so.