LE- You didn’t miss anything.

Gary helped to start Fish First! as an organization that helped salmon restoration by improving habitat and supplementing stocking with net pens.


They use on-the-ground methods such as stream bank stabilization, installation of large woody debris, and local volunteers to help restore important fish habitat. The group was successful in several tribs in SW Washington, including Cedar Creek.

However, when the results of his efforts on Cedar Creek (coho salmon) were scooped up by the commercial fishermen, as the behest of WDFW, Gary realized there was another battle to be waged. So about 10 years ago, he jumped on-board with the idea of bringing CCA into the PNW to help change fish politics, especially in Washington State. And that is what CCA does, as you have correctly indicated. So he went all-in on CCA-Washington.

He didn’t abandon FF, but he realized there is more to fish restoration than just fixing habitat. It includes harvest reforms too, and that often involves politics.

I misspoke when I said that Gary quit FF. He’s still active. My mistake. Apologies to Gary.